Source code for ginkgo_ai_client.queries

"""Classes to define queries to the Ginkgo AI API."""

from typing import Dict, Optional, Any, List, Literal, Union
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from pathlib import Path
from functools import lru_cache
import json
import yaml
import tempfile

import pydantic
import requests
import pandas

from ginkgo_ai_client.utils import (

## ---- Base classes --------------------------------------------------------------

class QueryBase(pydantic.BaseModel, ABC):
    """Base class for all queries. It's functions are:
    - Specify the mandatory class methods `to_request_params` and `parse_response`
    - Provide a better error message when a user forgets to use named arguments only.
      Without that tweak, the default error message from pydantic is very technical
      and confusing to new users.

    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        if args:
            raise TypeError(
                f"Invalid initialization: {cls.__name__} does not accept unnamed "
                f"arguments. Please name all inputs, for instance "
                f"`{cls.__name__}(field_name=value, other_field=value, ...)`."
        return super().__new__(cls)

    def to_request_params(self) -> Dict:

    def parse_response(self, results: Dict) -> Any:

class ResponseBase(pydantic.BaseModel):

    def write_to_jsonl(self, path: str):
        with open(path, "a") as f:
            f.write(self.model_dump_json() + "\n")

## ---- MASKEDLM AND EMBEDDINGS ------------------------------------------------------

_maskedlm_models_properties = {
    "ginkgo-aa0-650M": "protein",
    "esm2-650M": "protein",
    "esm2-3B": "protein",
    "ginkgo-maskedlm-3utr-v1": "dna",
    "lcdna": "dna-iupac",
    "abdiffusion": "protein",
    "mrna-foundation": "dna",

_maskedlm_models_properties_str = "\n".join(
    f"- {model}: {sequence_type}"
    for model, sequence_type in _maskedlm_models_properties.items()

def _validate_model_and_sequence(
    model: str, sequence: str, allow_masks: bool = False, extra_chars: List[str] = []
    """Raise an error if the model is unknown or the sequence isn't compatible.

    model: str
        Model name. Used to infer input type.
    sequence: str
        Sequence to validate
    allow_masks: bool
        Whether to allow masks in input. Default = False.

    extra_chars: List[str]=[]
        List of extra valid characters. Default = [].
    valid_models = list(_maskedlm_models_properties.keys())
    if model not in valid_models:
        raise ValueError(f"Model '{model}' unknown. Sould be one of {valid_models}")
    sequence_type = _maskedlm_models_properties[model]
    if allow_masks:
        sequence = sequence.replace("<mask>", "")
    chars = {
        "dna": set("ATGC"),
        "dna-iupac": set("ATGCNRSYWKMDHBV"),
        "protein": set("ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY"),

    chars = chars.union(set([e.upper() for e in extra_chars]))

    if not set(sequence.upper()).issubset(chars):
        raise ValueError(
            f"Model {model} requires the sequence to only contain "
            f"the following characters (lower or upper-case): {''.join(chars)}"

[docs] class EmbeddingResponse(ResponseBase): """A response to a MeanEmbeddingQuery, with attributes `embedding` (the mean embedding of the model's last encoder layer) and `query_name` (the original query's name). """ embedding: List[float] query_name: Optional[str] = None
[docs] class MeanEmbeddingQuery(QueryBase): """A query to infer mean embeddings from a DNA or protein sequence. Parameters ---------- sequence: str The sequence to unmask. The sequence should be of the form "MLPP<mask>PPLM" with as many masks as desired. model: str The model to use for the inference. query_name: Optional[str] = None The name of the query. It will appear in the API response and can be used to handle exceptions. Returns ------- EmbeddingResponse ``client.send_request(query)`` returns an ``EmbeddingResponse`` with attributes ``embedding`` (the mean embedding of the model's last encoder layer) and ``query_name`` (the original query's name). Examples -------- >>> query = MeanEmbeddingQuery("MLPP<mask>PPLM", model="ginkgo-aa0-650M") >>> client.send_request(query) EmbeddingResponse(embedding=[1.05, 0.002, ...]) """ sequence: str model: str query_name: Optional[str] = None def to_request_params(self) -> Dict: return { "model": self.model, "text": self.sequence, "transforms": [{"type": "EMBEDDING"}], } def parse_response(self, results: Dict) -> EmbeddingResponse: return EmbeddingResponse( embedding=results["embedding"], query_name=self.query_name ) @pydantic.model_validator(mode="after") def check_model_and_sequence_compatibility(cls, query): sequence, model = query.sequence, query.model _validate_model_and_sequence(model=model, sequence=sequence, allow_masks=False) return query @classmethod def iter_from_fasta(cls, fasta_path: str, model: str): """Return an iterator over the sequences in a fasta file. The iterator has a length attribute that gives the number of sequences in the fasta file.""" fasta_iterator = fasta_sequence_iterator(fasta_path) query_iterator = ( cls(sequence=str(record.seq), model=model, for record in fasta_iterator ) return IteratorWithLength(query_iterator, len(fasta_iterator)) @classmethod def list_from_fasta(cls, fasta_path: str, model: str): return list(cls.iter_from_fasta(fasta_path, model))
[docs] class SequenceResponse(ResponseBase): """A response to a MaskedInferenceQuery, with attributes `sequence` (the predicted sequence) and `query_name` (the original query's name). """ sequence: str query_name: Optional[str] = None
[docs] class MaskedInferenceQuery(QueryBase): """A query to infer masked tokens in a DNA or protein sequence. Parameters ---------- sequence: str The sequence to unmask. The sequence should be of the form "MLPP<mask>PPLM" with as many masks as desired. model: str The model to use for the inference (only "ginkgo-aa0-650M" is supported for now). query_name: Optional[str] = None The name of the query. It will appear in the API response and can be used to handle exceptions. Returns -------- SequenceResponse ``client.send_request(query)`` returns a ``SequenceResponse`` with attributes ``sequence` (the predicted sequence) and ``query_name`` (the original query's name). """ sequence: str model: str query_name: Optional[str] = None def to_request_params(self) -> Dict: return { "model": self.model, "text": self.sequence, "transforms": [{"type": "FILL_MASK"}], } def parse_response(self, response: Dict) -> SequenceResponse: """The response has a sequence and the original query's name""" return SequenceResponse( sequence=response["sequence"], query_name=self.query_name ) @pydantic.model_validator(mode="after") def check_model_and_sequence_compatibility(cls, query): sequence, model = query.sequence, query.model _validate_model_and_sequence(model=model, sequence=sequence, allow_masks=True) return query
auto_doc_str = f""" Supported inference models -------------------------- Here are the supported models, and the sequence type they support. Sequences must be upper-case and not contain any mask etc. for embeddings computation. {_maskedlm_models_properties_str} """ for cls in [MeanEmbeddingQuery, MaskedInferenceQuery]: cls.__doc__ += auto_doc_str[:1] ## ---- PROMOTER ACTIVITY QUERIES ---------------------------------------------------
[docs] class PromoterActivityResponse(ResponseBase): """A response to a PromoterActivityQuery, with attributes `activity` (the predicted activity) and `query_name` (the original query's name). Attributes ---------- activity_by_tissue: Dict[str, float] The activity of the promoter in each tissue. query_name: Optional[str] = None The name of the query. It will appear in the API response and can be used to handle exceptions. """ activity_by_tissue: Dict[str, float] query_name: Optional[str] = None
[docs] class PromoterActivityQuery(QueryBase): """A query to infer the activity of a promoter in different tissues. Parameters ---------- promoter_sequence: str The promoter sequence. Only ATGCN characters are allowed. orf_sequence: str The ORF sequence. Only ATGCN characters are allowed. tissue_of_interest: Dict[str, List[str]] The tissues of interest, with the tracks representing each tissue, for instance `{"heart": ["CNhs10608+", "CNhs10612+"], "liver": ["CNhs10608+", "CNhs10612+"]}`. query_name: Optional[str] = None The name of the query. It will appear in the API response and can be used to handle exceptions. inference_framework: Literal["promoter-0"] = "promoter-0" The inference framework to use for the inference. Currently only supports borzoi_model: Literal["human-fold0"] = "human-fold0" The model to use for the inference. Currently only supports the trained model of "human-fold0". Returns ------- PromoterActivityResponse ``client.send_request(query)`` returns a ``PromoterActivityResponse`` with attributes ``activity_by_tissue`` (the activity of the promoter in each tissue) and ``query_name`` (the original query's name). """ promoter_sequence: str orf_sequence: str tissue_of_interest: Dict[str, List[str]] source: str inference_framework: Literal["promoter-0"] = "promoter-0" borzoi_model: Literal["human-fold0"] = "human-fold0" query_name: Optional[str] = None def to_request_params(self) -> Dict: # TODO: update the web API so the conversion isn't necessary data = { "prom": self.promoter_sequence, "orf": self.orf_sequence, "tissue_of_interest": self.tissue_of_interest, "source": self.source, } return { "model": f"borzoi-{self.borzoi_model}", "text": json.dumps(data), "transforms": [{"type": "PROMOTER_ACTIVITY"}], } def parse_response(self, results): return PromoterActivityResponse( query_name=self.query_name, activity_by_tissue=results ) @pydantic.model_validator(mode="after") def sequences_are_valid_nucleotide_sequences(cls, query): """Raise an error if the sequences contain non-ATGCN characters.""" query.promoter_sequence = query.promoter_sequence.upper() query.orf_sequence = query.orf_sequence.upper() if not set(query.promoter_sequence).issubset(set("ATGCN")): raise ValueError( f"Promoter sequence in query <{query.query_name}> contains " "non-ATGCN characters." ) if not set(query.orf_sequence).issubset(set("ATGCN")): raise ValueError( f"ORF sequence in query <{query.query_name}> contains " "non-ATGCN characters." ) return query @classmethod def iter_with_promoter_from_fasta( cls, fasta_path: str, orf_sequence: str, tissue_of_interest: Dict[str, List[str]], source: str, model: str = "borzoi-human-fold0", ): """Return an iterator of PromoterActivityQuery objects from the promoter sequences in a fasta file. The iterator has a length attribute that gives the number of sequences in the fasta file. Parameters ---------- fasta_path: str The path to the fasta file containing the promoter sequences. orf_sequence: str The ORF sequence. tissue_of_interest: Dict[str, List[str]] The tissues of interest, with the tracks representing each tissue, e.g. `{"heart": ["CNhs10608+", "CNhs10612+"], "liver": ["CNhs10608+", "CNhs10612+"]}`. model: str = "borzoi-human-fold0" The model to use for the inference (only one default model is supported for now). """ fasta_iterator = fasta_sequence_iterator(fasta_path) query_iterator = ( cls( promoter_sequence=str(record.seq), orf_sequence=orf_sequence, tissue_of_interest=tissue_of_interest, source=source, model=model,, ) for record in fasta_iterator ) return IteratorWithLength(query_iterator, len(fasta_iterator)) @classmethod def list_with_promoter_from_fasta( cls, fasta_path: str, orf_sequence: str, tissue_of_interest: Dict[str, List[str]], source: str, model: str = "borzoi-human-fold0", ): """Return a list of PromoterActivityQuery objects from the promoter sequences in a fasta file. Parameters ---------- fasta_path: str The path to the fasta file containing the promoter sequences. orf_sequence: str The ORF sequence. tissue_of_interest: Dict[str, List[str]] The tissues of interest, with the tracks representing each tissue, e.g. `{"heart": ["CNhs10608+", "CNhs10612+"], "liver": ["CNhs10608+", "CNhs10612+"]}`. model: str = "borzoi-human-fold0" The model to use for the inference (only one default model is supported for now). """ iterator = cls.iter_with_promoter_from_fasta( fasta_path=fasta_path, orf_sequence=orf_sequence, tissue_of_interest=tissue_of_interest, source=source, model=model, ) return list(iterator) @classmethod @lru_cache(maxsize=1) def _get_full_tissue_dataframe(cls): file_id = "13eQTxjqW3KMCzbaRYUSbZiyzXCaNYTIg" url = f"{file_id}" tracks = pandas.read_csv(url) return tracks @classmethod def get_tissue_track_dataframe( cls, tissue: str = None, assay: str = None ) -> pandas.DataFrame: """Return a pandas DataFrame with the tissues and their corresponding tracks. Parameters ---------- tissue: str, optional If provided, only rows with the tissue name will be returned. assay: str, optional If provided, only rows with the assay name will be returned. """ df = cls._get_full_tissue_dataframe() if tissue is not None: df = df[df["sample"].str.contains(tissue, case=False)] if assay is not None: df = df[df.assay.str.contains(assay)] return df
## ---- mRNA DIFFUSION QUERIES -----------------------------------------------------
[docs] class MultimodalDiffusionMaskedResponse(ResponseBase): """A response to a RNADiffusionMaskedQuery, with attributes `samples` (a list of predicted samples, with modality name: predicted sequence) and `query_name` (the original query's name). """ samples: List[Dict[str, Union[int, str, float]]] query_name: Optional[str] = None
[docs] class RNADiffusionMaskedQuery(QueryBase): """A query to perform masked sampling using a mRNA diffusion model. Parameters ---------- three_utr: str The three UTR sequence, of the form "ATTG<mask>TAC..." five_utr: str The five UTR sequence, of the form "ATTG<mask>TAC..." protein_sequence: str The protein sequence, of the form "MLKKRRK...LP-" (the last character denotes a stop codon). species: str The species, e.g. "HOMO_SAPIENS" temperature: float, optional (default=1.0) Sampling temperature, a value between 0 and 1. decoding_order_strategy: str, optional (default="entropy") Strategy for decoding order, must be either "max_prob" or "entropy". unmaskings_per_step: int, optional (default=4) Number of tokens to unmask per step num_samples: int, optional (default=1) Number of samples to generate model: str The model to use for the inference, "mrna-foundation" being the only choice currently. query_name: Optional[str] = None The name of the query. It will appear in the API response and can be used to handle exceptions. Returns ------- MultimodalDiffusionMaskedResponse ``client.send_request(query)`` returns a ``MultimodalDiffusionMaskedResponse`` with attributes ``samples`` (a list of predicted samples, with modality name: predicted sequence) and ``query_name`` (the original query's name). Examples -------- >>> query = RNADiffusionMaskedQuery( ... three_utr="ATTG<mask>TAC", ... five_utr="ATTG<mask>TAC", ... protein_sequence="MLKKRRK", ... species="HOMO_SAPIENS", ... model="mrna-foundation", ... temperature=1.0, ... decoding_order_strategy="entropy", ... unmaskings_per_step=4, ... ) >>> client.send_request(query) DiffusionMaskedResponse([{"three_utr":, "five_utr":...}, ]], query_name=None) """ three_utr: str five_utr: str protein_sequence: str species: str temperature: float = 1.0 decoding_order_strategy: str = "max_prob" unmaskings_per_step: int = 4 num_samples: int = 1 model: str query_name: Optional[str] = None def to_request_params(self) -> Dict: data = { "three_utr": self.three_utr, "five_utr": self.five_utr, "sequence_aa": self.protein_sequence, "species": self.species, "temperature": self.temperature, "decoding_order_strategy": self.decoding_order_strategy, "unmaskings_per_step": self.unmaskings_per_step, "num_samples": self.num_samples, } return { "model": self.model, "text": json.dumps(data), "transforms": [{"type": "MRNA_DIFFUSION_GENERATE"}], } def parse_response(self, results: Dict) -> MultimodalDiffusionMaskedResponse: """ Parameters ---------- results: Dict List of dictionaries with keys "three_utr","five_utr","sequence_aa","species" """ responses = results["samples"] for response in responses: response["codon_sequence"] = response.pop("sequence_aa") response["protein_sequence"] = ( self.protein_sequence ) # add back in initial protein sequence that was queried return MultimodalDiffusionMaskedResponse( samples=responses, query_name=self.query_name, ) @classmethod @lru_cache(maxsize=1) def get_species_dataframe(cls): file_id = "1PSkil-Ui0AkFXtYy4vJ7P6CG2QsztIxh" url = f"{file_id}" df = pandas.read_csv(url).filter(["Species"]) df.Species = df.Species.str.upper() # OMNI code lower cases Species return df @pydantic.model_validator(mode="after") def validate_query(cls, query): _validate_model_and_sequence(query.model, query.three_utr, allow_masks=True) _validate_model_and_sequence(query.model, query.five_utr, allow_masks=True) # extra char for "-" that denotes end of the protein sequence _validate_model_and_sequence( "esm2-650M", query.protein_sequence, allow_masks=False, extra_chars=["-"] ) if query.species not in cls.get_species_dataframe().Species.tolist(): raise ValueError( "species is not valid. See cls.get_species_dataframe() for list of available species." ) # Validate temperature if not 0 <= query.temperature <= 1: raise ValueError("temperature must be between 0 and 1") # Validate decoding_order_strategy if query.decoding_order_strategy not in ["max_prob", "entropy"]: raise ValueError("decoding_order_strategy must be 'max_prob' or 'entropy'") # Validate unmaskings_per_step if not 1 <= query.unmaskings_per_step <= 1000: raise ValueError("unmaskings_per_step must be between 1 and 1000") return query
## ---- DIFFUSION QUERIES ---------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class DiffusionMaskedResponse(ResponseBase): """A response to a DiffusionMaskedQuery, with attributes `sequence` (the predicted sequence) and `query_name` (the original query's name). """ sequence: str query_name: Optional[str] = None
[docs] class DiffusionMaskedQuery(QueryBase): """A query to perform masked sampling using a diffusion model. Parameters ---------- sequence: str Input sequence for masked sampling. The sequence may contain "<mask>" tokens. temperature: float, optional (default=0.5) Sampling temperature, a value between 0 and 1. decoding_order_strategy: str, optional (default="entropy") Strategy for decoding order, must be either "max_prob" or "entropy". unmaskings_per_step: int, optional (default=50) Number of tokens to unmask per step, an integer between 1 and 1000. model: str The model to use for the inference. query_name: Optional[str] = None The name of the query. It will appear in the API response and can be used to handle exceptions. Returns ------- DiffusionMaskedResponse ``client.send_request(query)`` returns a ``DiffusionMaskedResponse`` with attributes ``sequence`` (the predicted sequence) and ``query_name`` (the original query's name). Examples -------- >>> query = DiffusionMaskedQuery( ... sequence="ATTG<mask>TAC", ... model="lcdna", ... temperature=0.7, ... decoding_order_strategy="entropy", ... unmaskings_per_step=20, ... ) >>> client.send_request(query) DiffusionMaskedResponse(sequence="ATTGCGTAC", query_name=None) """ sequence: str temperature: float = 0.5 decoding_order_strategy: str = "entropy" unmaskings_per_step: int = 50 model: str query_name: Optional[str] = None def to_request_params(self) -> Dict: data = { "sequence": self.sequence, "temperature": self.temperature, "decoding_order_strategy": self.decoding_order_strategy, "unmaskings_per_step": self.unmaskings_per_step, } return { "model": self.model, "text": json.dumps(data), "transforms": [{"type": "DIFFUSION_GENERATE"}], } def parse_response(self, results: Dict) -> DiffusionMaskedResponse: return DiffusionMaskedResponse( sequence=results["sequence"][0], query_name=self.query_name, ) @pydantic.model_validator(mode="after") def validate_query(cls, query): sequence, model = query.sequence, query.model # Validate sequence and model compatibility _validate_model_and_sequence( model=model, sequence=sequence, allow_masks=True, ) # Validate temperature if not 0 <= query.temperature <= 1: raise ValueError("temperature must be between 0 and 1") # Validate decoding_order_strategy if query.decoding_order_strategy not in ["max_prob", "entropy"]: raise ValueError("decoding_order_strategy must be 'max_prob' or 'entropy'") # Validate unmaskings_per_step if not 1 <= query.unmaskings_per_step <= 1000: raise ValueError("unmaskings_per_step must be between 1 and 1000") return query